Tuesday 22 August 2023

The Boon and Bane of the internet on education....

 The Internet is a network for communication which has tremendously made our life easy, comfortable, pleasurable and luxurious. The Internet has made the world a global village. It has helped us enhance our knowledge and connect to different parts of the world easily. The Internet has helped us save time and therefore more work can be completely in a short period. Communication and making new friends from all over the world are made possible only through the Internet. We are also being able to learn about other cultures and appreciate them as well as share and exchange ideas and thoughts with others. It helps us broaden and enlighten our knowledge and perception about other cultures and adapt to it. The Internet is definitely a boon when utilized in a proper way, but the Internet can be a bane and lead to hazards and terrible consequences if misused.

The Internet is definitely a boon when utilized in a proper way. Firstly, the Internet has played a very significant role by providing endless information and knowledge about any topic using search engines like Google Chrome, YouTube, and many more. Students are very much benefited as the Internet gives them a broader understanding and knowledge about their subjects which helps them to manifest and excel in their academics. Secondly, the Internet has also helped in terms of safety purposes using the GPS technology and tracking locations. Thirdly, the Internet is also used to run businesses through advertisements, and also online businesses by selling products and services online. It has benefited and provided employment and income for people staying at home or people from far and remote areas. Most importantly, the Internet helps us save time through online banking, paying our bills online instead of waiting in long queues, using emails, chats, and video calls to communicate with anyone in the world, unlike in the past where it takes ages for people to send and receive letters. It has also given us endless entertainments such as watching videos, movies, listening to music and even play games online. The Internet also allows online shopping which has become very popular these days. The Internet has helped us be more independent and we are able to book our travel tickets and hotels on our own which saves money instead of hiring an agent to do our work.

When misused, the Internet is detrimental to health. Although the Internet has many benefits, it also has disadvantages as well. The Internet has caused distractions especially to youngsters, as they are wasting a lot of time instead of investing their time in something productive, which also hampers their healthy lifestyle. It has caused health issues and obesity to many people, as they are surfing the net frequently and spending too much time in the computer for games. This makes them inactive, and they lack physical exercise, which therefore leads to obesity. The Internet is also one main reason why people are suffering from loneliness and depression. The Internet has made people so isolated and far from real communication that it interferes with a healthy lifestyle. There are also many unethical communities that are available on the Internet which may be dangerous and might distract children.

The dangers of cybercrime are very prevalent in today’s time, as not everyone uses the Internet with good intentions. Identity theft is one of the most common cybercrimes as all personal and private information like passwords of credit cards are being stolen and hacked. There can be various harmful viruses in our computers, which makes it very important for an antivirus to be installed in our computers. Due to the pandemic, cybercrimes have also increased as people are facing financial problems and are staying at home and spending more time in their computers. Cyberbully has led to suicide in many cases as well. Spreading inaccurate and false news which misleads people in the Internet is also widely seen which sometimes causes unnecessary disputes and confusion.

In conclusion, the Internet can be a boon, as well as a bane. All human-made resources have both advantages and disadvantages. In today’s world, we see people showing immense affection towards the virtual world and apart from real world. They may even get mad if they do not get access to the Internet. Sometimes people fall into the trap of fake websites and pages that lure to provide unexpected offers that cause financial losses. Over its dark and ugly sides, the importance of the Internet cannot be undermined. The decision is ours how we utilize the resources available on the Internet for good causes. Moreover, parents play a crucial role in guiding children regarding the wise uses of the Internet.

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